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About the Community Town Team

A photo showing the high street of Chippenham during the day

The Story So Far

The Community Town Team got together in July 2021 and began working with local leaders who have the resources and opportunities to make change happen. By forming this strong partnership we will ensure that the changes and improvements to the town are sustainable and for the benefit of the whole community.


In this way the visions can become realities.


The Town's community working in this way ensures that, as a collective effort, there will be sustainable growth that will facilitate changes in consumer habits, for both the present generations in Chippenham and those still to come. 

This approach further ensures that everything is relative to both what has gone before and to present conditions - where we continue to learn what is possible and what is achievable.  

At times the visions may not fully materialise, but by looking toward the positives from the perspective of time and place we can manage both the expectations and the outcomes more realistically.


The illustrations below show the relationship that exists within a community pyramid of action and towards that realistic goal:

A pyramid showing the government at the top the council in the middle and town team at the bottom

Together with this working pyramid of collaboration, four specific 'Chippenham Quarters' have been introduced (see below) which has empowered local businesses, traders, organisations and community members, to use their knowledge, passion, and skills, in the regeneration of their specific areas. As can be seen, the new structure is all embracing with each quarter meeting monthly, feeding into a quarterly meeting of the Town team and Town Partnership. More details of the Quarters and the Partnership Board can be found in separate sections on this website.

A pyramid showing the partnership board at the top council in the middle and town team at the bottom
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