Hanging Baskets
Each year Chippenham Town Council put up a huge amount of hanging baskets around Chippenham with over twenty colourful plants in each, including Geraniums, Petunias and Fuchsias to brighten up the town. The baskets are self-watering which enables more efficient use of the water supply, keeping the baskets looking their best throughout the summer.
Businesses are invited to purchase a basket and join in with the scheme and alongside this the council place baskets and flower displays throughout the town centre. Now that we have four active Quarters, the council have agreed to extend the reach of this scheme to include the Artisan Quarter, an area that has never been included before.
It is anticipated that this will grow and may extend to consideration of other council initiatives, such as the town centre Christmas Lights scheme.Working together the Council and Town Team can achieve so much...

Wall Art & Sculpture
The new town centre of 2024 needs more to offer than simply a place to shop - you can do that on the phone in your pocket! With the technology available it needs to portray the personality and character of the place if Chippenham is to attract both visitors and local people to spend their time and their money locally.
Significant Art, and well positioned Sculptures are a perfect vehicle to make Chippenham different and ensure that those who come will linger, spend time, and leave with a vision of the town as one that is both different and progressive - reflecting the huge arts and crafts movement there is in town today.
This is being led by the Town Team movement via the Quarters, with the ulitmate aim that the vision of the community will feed back into Partnership Board considerations for future funding and the regeneration of the town.

Town Centre Regeneration
Probably the biggest prospects, and threats, to Chippenham as a town going forward is to the developments that are about to occur in the town centre, and while inward investment is welcomed, the community need to ensure that whatever is done, is done to benefit both the profits of outside investors and for future generations that will live through the vast expansion of Chippenham that is inevitable.
To monitor and effect outcomes during this time of change, the Community Town Team and members of the Quarters will be custodians of decisions that are made in the name of the Chippenham community. It is here that the balance must be made between bottom-line profit and those social and environmental consequences that will linger long after major players of today are gone.

Purple flag & Evening Economy
Chippenham became accredited as a Purple Flag town in 2016 and is one of the few market towns in the UK to win this prestigious national award for the safety and vibrancy of its night-time economy.
The Purple Flag is an international accreditation programme run by the Association of Towns and City Management, (ATCM) that aims to reward those who achieve this in their destinations after dark. Purple Flag strives to help create safe and thriving locations at night for all users.
Town stakeholders have worked diligently to retain this accreditation each year for the past 9 years and has been recognised for its work within the smaller town sector.
The Town Team work with the Town Council Community Development officer to produce a quarterly survey of the town's vacancy rate as an indicator of the town centre health and also on bi-yearly surveys to highlight those areas in need of extra investment.